Note: The edges of the bib are worked in seed stitch over the first and last five stitches (k1, p1, k1, p1, k1) and are referred to as “B5”.
k = knit
p = purl
sts. = stitches
dec. = decrease
dpn. = double pointed needle
Cast on 11 sts.
Row 1: p1,k1, across row
Row 2: Cast on 3 sts., k1, p1, across row. 14 sts.
Row 3: Cast on 3 sts., k1, p1, across row. 17 sts.
Row 4: Cast on 3 sts., p1, k1, across row. 20 sts.
Row 5: Cast on 3 sts., p1, k1, across row. 23 sts.
Row 6: Cast on 3 sts., k1, p1, across row. 26 sts.
Row 7: Cast on 3 sts., k1, p1, across row. 29 sts.
Row 8: Cast on 2 sts., k1, p1 across row. 31 sts.
Row 9: Cast on 2 sts., k1, p1, across row. 33 sts.
Row 10: Cast on 2 sts., k1, p1, across row. 35 sts.
Row 11: Cast on 2 sts., k1, p1, across row. 37 sts.
Row 12: k1, p1 for 13 sts.; p9; k2, k1, p1 for 13 sts.
Row 13: k1, p1, for 12 sts.; k1; p2; k10; p1, k1 for 12 sts.
Row 14: k1, p1, for 11 sts.; p11; k2; p2; k1, p1 for 11 sts.
Row 15: k1, p1, for 10 sts; k3; p2; k12; p1, k1 for 10 sts.
Row 16: k1, p1, for 9 sts.; p13; k2; p4; k1, p1 for 9 sts.
Row 17: k1, p1, for 8 sts.; k6; p2; k13; p1, k1 for 8 sts.
Row 18: k1, p1 for 7 sts.; p14; k2; p7; k1, p1 for 7 sts.
Row 19: k1, p1 for 6 sts; k9; p2; k13; p1; p1, k1 for 6 sts.
Row 20: k1, p1 for 5 sts; k2, p13; k7; p5; k1, p1 for 5 sts.
(Note: From this point on, the first and last five stitches are the seed stitch border. (k1 p1 k1 p1 k1) It might be helpful to place a marker for these stitches.)
Row 21: B5; k4; p7; k14; p2; B5.
Row 22: B5; k2, p19; k2; p4; B5.
Row 23: B5; k4; p2; k19; p2; B5.
Row 24: B5; k2; p20; k2, p3; B5.
Row 25: B5; k3; p2; k19; p2; k1; B5.
Row 26: B5; p1; k2; p19; k2; p3; B5.
Row 27: B5; k3; p2; k19; p2; k1; B5.
Row 28: B5; p2; k2; p18; k2; p3; B5.
Row 29: B5; k3; p2; k17; p3; k2; B5.
Row 30: B5; p3, k2; p10; k1; p6; k2; p3; B5.
Row 31: B5; k3; p2; k5; p3; k8; p2; k4; B5.
Row 32: B5; p4, k2; p8; k3; p5; k2; p3; B5.
Row 33: B5; k4; p2; k3; p2; k1; p2; k8; p3; k2; B5.
Row 34: B5; p2; k2; p5; k6; p1; k2; p3; k2; p4; B5.
Row 35: B5; k5; p5; k3; p5; k5; p3; k1; B5.
Row 36: B5; p1; k2; p6; k2; p7; k3; p6; B5.
Row 37: B5; k15; p2; k7; p2; k1; B5.
Row 38: B5; p1; k2; p7; k2; p15; B5.
Row 39: B5; k15; p2; k7; p2; k1; B5.
Row 40: B5; p1; k3; p6; k2; p15; B5.
Row 41: B5; k15; p2; k6; p2; k2; B5.
Row 42: B5; p3; k2; p5; k2; p15; B5.
Row 43: B5; k16; p2; k3; p3; k3; B5.
Row 44: B5; p4; k7; p16; B5.
Row 45: B5; k17; p5; k5; B5.
Row 46: B5; p27; B5.
Row 47: B5; k27; B5.
Row 48: B5; p27; B5.
Row 49: B5; k27; B5.
Row 50: B5; p27; B5.
Row 51: B5; k27; B5.
Row 52: B5; p27; B5.
Row 53: B5; k27; B5.
Row 54: B5; p27; B5.
Row 55: B5; k27; B5.
Row 56: B5; p27; B5.
Row 57: B5; k27; B5.
Row 58: B5; p27; B5.
Row 59: B5, k8, p1, k1 across next 11 sts., k8, B5.
Row 60: B5, p7, k1, p1 across next 13 sts., p7, B5.
Row 61: B5, p1, k5, p1, k1 across next 15 sts., k5, p1, B5.
Row 62: B5, p1, k1, p3, k1, p1 across next 17 sts., p3, k1, p1, B5.
Row 63: k1, p1 across row.
Row 64: k1, p1 across row.
Row 65: k1, p1 across next 13 sts., bind off next 11 sts, p1, k1 to end.
Shoulder Shaping:
Working on these 13 sts, k1, p1 across row.
Dec. 1 st. at neck edge every other row 2 times. (11 sts.)
Work one row even.
Next row, dec. 1 st. at shoulder edge every other row until 5 sts. remain.
Work one row even.
Dec. 1 st. at neck edge and shoulder edge. 3 sts.
Work one row even.
Slip these 3 sts. to a dpn and work an I-cord for approximately 12 inches. Fasten off and run end down through middle of I-cord.
Join yarn to neck edge and work remaining side to correspond to other side.
Copyright 2008 by Elaine Fitzpatrick. Permission is granted to reproduce this pattern in any medium, as long as it is distributed for free and this copyright notice remains intact. Permission is also granted to produce items from this pattern for sale.
Yes....I'm reading this! Another cute design....
Oh, btw... my DD and SIL are now giving 2nd thought to the use of cloth diapers. Not sure what that all entails. Hmmm.... Seems things have changed so much since mine were tiny. I am officially an oldster! LOL!
Hi; you have awesome bibs and you certainly are a talented lady. I put out a knitting calendar once a year for household items and would love to include your link for people to visit you and see your special items. I won't do that if you would rather not. I respect your privacy so if it is OK to post your link, let me know. If you have any household patterns you would like to publish please feel free to submit your design or contact me at Thanks
Thank you for sharing your patterns. I cannot wait to cast on some of these bibs for my grandson that is due in June. I wish I had this pattern when the other one was little!
ZLove your bibs, Congrats on being in the newsletter.
you've done it again....such a cute pattern! Thanks for sharing it :-)
congrats on your comment from janet. Tons of people get that calender.. you're famous and well deservedly
hi gma!
do i have the luckiest sons in the world to have such a talented grandma, or what? we have the loveliest ever stash of knitted yummy-ness.
you are awesome, and we all love you.
I LOVE all your bib patterns.Presently I have a goldfish and two green dinos and just cast on a cream CottonTots Penguin.
PLEASE don't stop posting your wonderful designs.
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