Updated patterns!

I'm in the process of updating my old patterns, particularly the bibs, to include charts. I'm rewriting some of the directions to make the patterns even easier and including alternative methods for beginning the bibs and for making the ties. Look for these patterns in the sidebar to see which ones have been added. It's a slow process, but eventually, they'll all be there!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I'm Snow Buddy!

Wow, I can't believe that it's time for my annual birthday post!  It's been quite a year dealing with my father's declining health and his subsequent death a few months ago.  He passed away just a week after his 92nd birthday. He always told everyone that he was "strong as an ox", despite his multiple medical issues. Every time we thought he might not make it through a medical crisis, he'd pull through and surprise us all. I think he finally reached the point where he just wanted eternal rest. He led a very full life that was filled with good deeds for so many people, especially children. He would take old bikes and fix them up and give them to kids who couldn't afford one. He'd stand out in the blazing sun and in the freezing cold, day after day, selling candy to raise money for many organizations. He was most proud of his work with finding funding for under privileged children who needed dental work. He helped countless children to get the dental work that they desperately needed. For all his work, he was recognized nationally as a "Doctor of Smiles". Always a proud member of the Masons, he was thrilled to be asked to become the first Caucasian male ever to be inducted into the Black Lodge of Massachusetts. It was an honor that he cherished. We were, and still are, so proud of him and miss him terribly. He left a pretty big hole in our family.

On a happier note, I hope you'll like my snowman. The idea just popped into my head one day and I thought it would be good to have him make his debut on my birthday!
Many thanks go to my talented test knitters, Denise and Tunie!  It's such a luxury for me to have both of them willing to help me out! Even though I try hard to catch any errors, I'm only human so I'm grateful for the extra "eyes".

Denise knit the blue bib pictured above.  I knit it in red, but it's so hard to photograph that color.  I should have known better and used a different one for the picture.
See what I mean?  It shows up so much better in the blue.
I love snowmen and this one is fairly quick to knit.
The links are in the sidebar to the right, or you can click here for the bib  and here for the cloth.

It sure would be great if this is the only snow we'll see all winter, but I hear that it's supposed to be brutal here in New England. I hope they're all wrong!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Elaine, and thank you for the new bib/cloth pattern. I'm going to knit one for my grandson.
Sorry for the loss of your father. I know exactly how you feel, as I just lost my sister this week after a very short battle with cancer. We will always miss our departed family members, but we are comforted by the memories of them.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

love this snowman dish cloth, but there is an error on row12, stitches only add up to 35

Amy Boney said...

Happy Happy Birthday! Thanks for another great pattern.

Sorry to hear of the loss of your father. He sounded like an incredible man!

Elaine said...

You're absolutely right about Row 12 in the Snow Buddy cloth and Row 16 in the bib. Both rows should end with (p1, k1) x3. Both my testers and I discovered that error before I posted the pattern, but when I uploaded it, the "test" version appeared instead of the corrected one. I apologize profusely for the mistake and I thank you for bringing it to my attention!

Londonlisa said...

Your link for the cloth on this one gets you a permanent url error with a message for you. Is it posted somewhere else?

Anonymous said...

clink on the links in the column on the right

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your lost. I did lost my Dad too about 5 month ago.

On a brighter note, happy belated b-day!

KDunn said...

So sorry for your loss. Your dad sounds like he was a wonderful man. My dad has been gone 11 years and I miss him as badly today as I did the day he died. You will be in my prayers. And I LOVE the new bib and cloth. Snowmen are my favorite people!

Unknown said...

i cannot locate the pattern directions for snow buddy please let me know how to get them thank you

Unknown said...

please let me know where i can find the directions for snow buddy thank you


Anonymous said...

here is Embroidery Digitizing Services  for to be in it