Sunday, September 25, 2011

Down Under

Through the magic of the internet and Ravelry, I met a lovely person who I now consider to be my friend.  "Tunie" is an expatriate who now lives in Australia.  She has a very funny story about how she got her name which you can read by visiting her page on Ravelry where she goes by peacockmom.  You might remember the crocodile cloth  I named after her husband, Fred.  In any event, Tunie asked me if I would consider doing a kangaroo.  My first thought was that she had to be kidding.  There were plenty of cloths already with kangaroos.  I just kind of dismissed it at first, but then I was all caught up at work and thoroughly bored so I decided to play around with it.  The next thing you know, here's a baby kangaroo!  I kind of like him, which surprises me.  I don't know why, but I just didn't think I would ever have a kangaroo in my "gallery".

I'm not so sure that I like this color combination.  The bib was done in Peaches & Creme Pastel Pink and the cloth is in Dark Grape.  Separately, they're cute, but together?  I'm not so sure.

Before you ask, I do have a koala as well, but I did it a few years ago and never posted it.  As soon as I find the chart, I promise that I'll add that as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this Elaine. I have wanted to make a blanket up of a mix of your cloths for a grandchild in the offing. And now I can add some Aussie animals to it - perfect. Needless to say I will be keeping my eye out for the koala
