Updated patterns!

I'm in the process of updating my old patterns, particularly the bibs, to include charts. I'm rewriting some of the directions to make the patterns even easier and including alternative methods for beginning the bibs and for making the ties. Look for these patterns in the sidebar to see which ones have been added. It's a slow process, but eventually, they'll all be there!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Down Under

Through the magic of the internet and Ravelry, I met a lovely person who I now consider to be my friend.  "Tunie" is an expatriate who now lives in Australia.  She has a very funny story about how she got her name which you can read by visiting her page on Ravelry where she goes by peacockmom.  You might remember the crocodile cloth  I named after her husband, Fred.  In any event, Tunie asked me if I would consider doing a kangaroo.  My first thought was that she had to be kidding.  There were plenty of cloths already with kangaroos.  I just kind of dismissed it at first, but then I was all caught up at work and thoroughly bored so I decided to play around with it.  The next thing you know, here's a baby kangaroo!  I kind of like him, which surprises me.  I don't know why, but I just didn't think I would ever have a kangaroo in my "gallery".

I'm not so sure that I like this color combination.  The bib was done in Peaches & Creme Pastel Pink and the cloth is in Dark Grape.  Separately, they're cute, but together?  I'm not so sure.

Before you ask, I do have a koala as well, but I did it a few years ago and never posted it.  As soon as I find the chart, I promise that I'll add that as well.

1 comment:

Aussie Maria said...

Thank you so much for sharing this Elaine. I have wanted to make a blanket up of a mix of your cloths for a grandchild in the offing. And now I can add some Aussie animals to it - perfect. Needless to say I will be keeping my eye out for the koala