Wednesday, October 16, 2019

That's My Deer!

It's time for my annual birthday pattern! Wow, the older I get the faster the years zip by. When I was a kid, I wouldn't have believed it if someone said that, but it's really true. I wasn't sure what to do for this year's pattern. I had at least three rejects before I settled on this one. I like a pattern that makes me smile and is easily recognizable. This one does both for me and I hope it will for you too!
Look, the picture is right side up and in color! If you remember, my last post had black and white photos. I'd like to say that I figured out my new camera, but I haven't. I just went back to my old one. LOL!
When I showed this to my husband, he told me I watch too much "North Woods Law"! He may be right. In any event, both of these were knit with the original Peaches & Creme and I used U.S. size 5 needles. As I've said, you want a denser fabric to make the stitches pop. With different yarns, you need to adjust your needle size for optimum results.
Both patterns are free and are available in the sidebar, or you can click here for the bib and here

On another note, my son graciously renewed my website, so I promised him I'd TRY to post more often. I know you're used to seeing mainly bibs and cloths, but I thought I'd start sharing some pictures of the baby hats I knit for my local hospital. Since my blog is geared for babies, I thought you'd enjoy seeing them.

Thank you all for being my "presents". You loyal readers are the best gift anyone could have on their birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday!! Thank you for these wonderful bibs...

  2. Neat! Happy birthday!

    Thanks! Can't wait to try it!


  3. A belated Happy Birthday to you! May you have a wonderful, blessed new year of your life! Thank you for this cute new pattern! I love your designs. They are so happy!
    ♥ With the best wishes from Germany, Edeltraud aka Rundstricken @ ravelry

  4. I am in the process of knitting washcloths for Operation Christmas Child. I wanted to knit some of your patterns, such as Rover, but it states I would need to have your permission. I,m asking for permission to knit these cloths for the underprivileged children this next Christmas.

  5. I'm disabled with respiratory issues during a global pandemic. I'm spending far too much of my time in my bedroom. Your free patterns have given me a gleeful thing to do during an incredibly difficult time. Bless you Ms. Fitzpatrick!

  6. I am having trouble downloading te free pattern for the snowman buddy. When I click on free pattern it goes nowhere. Please advise
