Monday, July 18, 2011

Meet Fred

Fred is the pilot husband of a good friend of mine, who had an unfortunate plane crash in Australia. Fortunately, he and his passengers were unhurt, however, they narrowly missed having a close encounter with some Kakadu crocodiles.  You know. . . those really big man eating crocs!  Therefore, it seems only fitting that this pattern should be named in honor of Fred.  Let’s hope this is the closest he ever comes to the real thing!

Both the cloth and the bib are knitted in Peaches & Creme, the cloth in Apple Green and the bib in Baby Pink.  I'm sure there are girl crocodiles so this seemed like a logical choice.  As a matter of fact, it's probably because of all the motherly nurturing that the boy crocs turn out to be so big.  On the other hand, their dispositions must come from the father's side of the family!  Just my opinion of course.


  1. Too Cute! Thanks for sharing your patterns.

  2. Fred and I are still grinning ear to ear with the honor of having one of your patterns named after Fred. It was a joy to knit and will always bring a big smile to us as we use it. Hugs "times infinity" as your adorable Mickey would say. xx Tunie
