Saturday, January 22, 2011

Polar Bears

Baby, it's cold outside.  At least it is here in New England, so no wonder Polar Bears are making their way down South!  Tonight, it's supposed to go down to ten below zero.  Brrrr...  In any event, I hope you enjoyed knitting along and aren't disappointed in the mystery design, now that it's been revealed.   
I've added the patterns in pdf format for both the bib and the cloth in the sidebar.  I know "Polar Bear" is kind of lame for a name, but it is what it is!  ;o)
If you're on Ravelry, you should check out my friend, Tim, and his project page.  He uses the Ravelry name "oylenshepeegul" (someday I have to find out what the heck that means).  In any event, he's posted pictures of his daily progress of the cloth.  He knitted his out of a neon green and he did a great job, as always!  You should check it out.  I'm off to add the pattern to Ravelry's database, so if you've knitted along, be sure to post your projects so I can check out the pictures!


  1. Thanks so much for the KAL. I really enjoyed doing it. Hope you decide to do it again sometime soon!

  2. Terrific KAL! Thanks for a fun week!

    Those interested can see my green cloth here, whether they're on Ravelry or not.

    It's kind of a long story, but the short version is that oylenshpeegul is a phonetic version of Eulenspiegel, from Till Eulenspiegel, the original merry prankster.

  3. This was fun, thank you so much Elaine and the polar bear is so cute. This will fit perfectly with an idea spinning in my head (just need to find one thing)

  4. Have just downloaded the pattern, will give it a go tonight. Sorry I missed the KAL :(

  5. This is super cute. I will have to make the cloth for my girls.

  6. Thanks for the kal, the first one I've taken part it......great fun and cute polar bear.

    florrie x

  7. Do you still do your own test knitting? I'd be more than happy to help if you need me to.

  8. Making the Petie fleurs bib as a gift for a friend.Love the pattern. Thank you so much!
