Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Arbor Day!

Happy Arbor Day! Here’s my latest offering. Okay, so I know it doesn’t exactly relate to Arbor Day, but, after all, owls do live in trees! That’s close enough, right? The bib was knit in Army Tan from Peaches & Crème. I really like this color knitted up. I wasn’t so sure I would, given the name, but it’s not too dark and not too light. Just right!! The cloth is also from Peaches & Crème in gold. I almost always use the P&C since I have so many cones of the yarn. Also, they supply all the pre-packs for the Dishcloth Calendar so I feel it’s only right to support them. Plus, I like it and that’s the most important reason of all!!
The pdfs are in the sidebar, but I’m also posting the patterns for those of you who have trouble with the downloads. Finally, go hug a tree, but first, please leave me a comment! I love hearing from you and also, it lets me know that someone is reading this!! You are reading this, right?


  1. Happy Arbor Day to you too! Those looks great, I'm going to have to try them both, I think!

  2. Oh yes, someone's reading it. I still love these bibs. I make them in cotton and acrylics. I fiddle with your patterns to teach myself things. Thank you for all your hard work on these.

    I need more baby grandchildren!!

  3. Yes, I drop by and read from time to time. It amazes me - you always come up with new bib ideas!!! You surely are the Queen of bib designs!

  4. Thank you Elaine.I LOVE the new set,esp the Name. I am in love with Kojak, don't tell Em.

    I have a pile of owl baby things to knit and now have these to add.

  5. I have some tan that will look great. Thank you. You're a fabulous designer.

  6. Elaine... I am new to your Blog... I was looking for baby Bibs and I was directed to your page... I want to thank you for being generous and allowing us to have these free Patterns... I Posted your Pictures on my Face Book Group called

    SweetWaterPurl- Let's See How Many Knitters are on FaceBook

    here is the Link!/group.php?gid=110664572298442

    I not only Posted the Pic's I let everyone know how generous you are and Talented... I provided your Blog Link on my Group and invited everyone to come to your Blog... Thank you once again Jennifer

  7. I just have to say that I love, love, LOVE your cloth patterns!!! I made the Hay! Baby yesterday and immediately cast on for another. The patterns are fun to knit and so well written. I came back for some more today. :) Thank you for sharing with us!

  8. Love the owls, dear Elaine. I'm always so grateful for your generosity in posting such cute patterns for free!

  9. I really like your bib patterns! They are very cute. Maybe a horse next time? :)
