Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm alive!

Well, barely alive! I am one of the many who have contracted the swine flu, except, in my case, I think the whole barnyard was involved! For awhile, I was actually afraid that I might die, and then, as time went by, I was afraid that I wouldn't!! It's miserable and I highly recommend that you stay as far away from it as you can!

On a much brighter note, I finally summoned up the energy to finish up my holiday/winter pattern. Rudy has been hanging around on my computer since this summer, but he really needed some "tweaking".
He kind of reminds me of the Snowbaby bib I did last year. Must be that falling snow!

I've posted the pdf file in the sidebar for both the bib and the cloth. Every time I post a new pattern, I just hold my breath that there's still enough room for them on my little website. I really have to get going on a more permanent solution.

Finally, I just want to address an issue that was brought up in the comments last time. I'm not sure why any of you thought I would start charging for the patterns, but let me assure you that I have no intention of selling them, now or in the future. As I've said before, I just do this for fun and I share the patterns because I want to! I'm happy that you like them and that some of you actually take the time to tell me!


  1. thank you, for your generosity, in sharing the pattens. And I hope you start feeling better.

  2. Very very cute. It's so good of you to post these for the rest of us. I'm very grateful. Please don't rush into things until you're completely better. (Can't help myself--I'm a mother!!)

  3. I am so sorry that you had the H1N1 Flu. Hope you are totally back to normal very soon. We have so far managed to stay healthy.....knock on wood....but I hear it's a nasty bug to catch.

    Take care and get better soon!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this pattern, just what I was looking for today - Yeah!!!
    Glad you survived and hope you feel much better now

  5. Thanks again for sharing! I adore these designs and just wish I had more bib-wearing people in my life to share them with. Oh well, that's never stopped me before; surely someone somewhere will have another kid or twelve.

    Sorry you were sick...and glad you "lived to tell!"

  6. Thanks so much for sharing your time & talents - I adore your work! I have to ask, though: do you take requests for designs? I have a pregnant friend who collects frogs, and a frog set would be perfect for her - in green, of course! No hurry, just wondering and hoping.
    Thanks, and feel better, Jane G.

  7. Oh wow. Just finding this a year later, because my daughter is making that dishcloth pattern and I wanted to see it again. My husband had the H1N1 flu last year, too. He was down for the count, for a few days and I think his resistance was down for a while after that, too. He's better now, though. This year, we ALL got flu shots. Gary and I get them at work and the kids got them at their colleges. This year, no one's been sick with the flu, so far.
