Monday, November 9, 2009

The Expanding Zoo

Yes, before you ask, I am still working on my Christmas/Holiday bib and cloth for this year! However, just to keep you happy in the meantime, here is a set that I did awhile ago, but haven't got around to posting. Another addition to this zoo kick I was on!
I know "Studley" is kind of lame, but the original name I had picked out was already taken. I was having trouble coming up with anything so, as I was thinking "What should I name a stud like you?", it just came to me and I decided to stick with it! Thank you again to all my awesome test knitters!

Now, on another note, I have to vent a little about my patterns. The key word here is "MY" patterns. I think I've been pretty generous with them. I don't mind if you want to make them and sell them as long as you give me credit as the designer. Make a bunch, I don't care. However, I do mind if you take my pattern and post it in its entirety on your blog. Seriously, how hard is it to just post a link to my blog? Frankly, I'm getting tired of having to have these confrontations, so please, I beg you, be respectful of my wishes and my copyright, and knock it off! Okay, so I got that off my chest, I feel better and I'm moving on. Thanks for letting me vent!


  1. Hi Elaine, I love your designs and have made several as gifts. I just finished the turkey dishcloth, one in olive green and one in a light rust. I would not mind a bit if you charged for your patterns. I have many dishcloth patterns I have bought for $2 a pattern. You have a wonderful talent and people should not take your credit away from you.
    Thanks and happy designing.

  2. I would be sad if you charged: I love your patterns, but going through international currency changes for a cloth or bib pattern just isn't practical. That said, I adore your patterns and am working on some for my grandbabies for Christmas. Thank you so much for sharing!

    Waving from New Zealand :-)
