Updated patterns!

I'm in the process of updating my old patterns, particularly the bibs, to include charts. I'm rewriting some of the directions to make the patterns even easier and including alternative methods for beginning the bibs and for making the ties. Look for these patterns in the sidebar to see which ones have been added. It's a slow process, but eventually, they'll all be there!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

Another KAL is now completed and I can post the pattern here, for all of you who are interested. This was just a fun cloth and really doesn't have anything to do with the season, although it is starting to get cooler here in New England and soon these little critters will be heading indoors to seek some warmth. If they try to get into my house, they'll have to deal with my two cats, Gilligan and Wyatt Earp! That said, my cats are more lovers than killers, so they'd be likely to make new friends as opposed to actually protecting my home!
I'm not sure anyone actually knitted this cloth. For three days, I was the only one who posted any messages on the yahoo group! I think everyone is trying to get in the very last bit of summer!
I hope everyone is enjoying a pleasant Labor Day! For me, this is an aptly named day as it's my oldest son's birthday. (Happy Birthday Mike!)


oylenshpeegul said...

Haha, my wife was also born on labor day (her birthday was yesterday), so we make the same jokes around here.

Great looking cloth...and bib!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I defintely knit this cloth! AND I love your designs in both bibs and cloths. I am just a knitter/lurker who fails sometimes to comment on the cloth!

I am looking forward to the November cloth already!!

Thanks so much!

Jan E said...

I love 'em all. Did the knit-along in light blue. Looks good in that too. You never fail to delight me. Thanks so much for sharing.

Mike said...

Thank you for the birthday wishes, Mom! Your website and "blob" look great! Keep up the great work!!

Your Son!
Mike Jr.
East Providence, RI

(Yes, I am the one she talks about who fixes their computer at 3am! lol)